Frugal Retirement – The Most Frugal Retirement is Overseas and it is Safe As Well

Frugal retirement is easy to obtain for an American if he or she goes overseas. Why? It simply costs less to live in certain countries, Mexico especially. One million Americans have retired to Mexico, this makes Mexico having by far the largest concentration of US retirees.

The low cost of living is the main attractor. $1500 to $2000 a month will yield a standard of living in Mexico not attainable in the US. Ladies that figure also covers domestic help…retire to Mexico; you may have washed your last window.

Folks who have chosen to retire overseas have overcome some common objections to living overseas. One of the most common objections is that it is not safe, but statistics show otherwise. In fact, you are three times more likely to be a victim of violent crime in the US compared to Mexico.

There is on caveat…border towns. These are not retirement havens and they do have a fair bit of crime due to the efforts of smugglers importing drugs into the US. Once you get into the interior of Mexico it is like stepping back in time…or the US like it was 30 to 40 years ago.

The Mexican people are very family oriented and the pace of life is much slower here than in the US. Lingering over a meal, visiting with good friends is how the locals spend their quality time. You will too as a retiree.

You will find young women walking to the town square at sunset without fear in the towns most attractive to US retirees. You did not lock the door of your apartment…not to worry your neighbors doors are unlocked as well.

Mexico is not the only country south of the border that offers frugal retirement living. Ecuador, Panama and many others offer cheap living for retirees.

If your fear of personal safety is holding you back from exploring retiring overseas…think again. One million of your compatriots have discovered the benefits of spending less and being secure in their foreign and frugal retirement in Mexico. You can too.

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