Scores of people have discovered and subsequently moved to Cuenca, Ecuador in the past few years since I first visited this beautiful city. I’ve had conversations with many people that have moved here and the theme is pretty common. Most are retirees looking for an affordable lifestyle on their pensions, comfortable weather and access to good quality healthcare. Oh yes, they also bring up the fact that Cuenca affords them a year-round abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables because of the never-ending growing season due to the spring-like weather all year long. They also mention the picturesque colonial architecture, world-class symphonies and museums and the proximity to the U.S.A., but when it’s all said and done, the excellent healthcare is the motivating factor behind the draw to Ecuador.
My un-scientific study of these retirees tells me that most of the retirees here are living very comfortably on their social security pensions. A couple can live here quite comfortably on $1500.00 per month. Back in the U.S.A., most health insurance premiums can run that much for a couple, then what does one do?
The medical system in Ecuador is quite amazing, actually. I saw a Bloomberg study for 2014 ranking Ecuador #13 in healthcare efficiency. The U.S.A. came in a distant #44.
One couple I spoke with had bought into IESS, which is the social security system of Ecuador. As a couple their cost was $76.90 per month. That gives them free doctor visits, prescriptions, labs, medical tests and procedures, surgery and hospitalization. They have no co-pays, no deductibles and no lengthy forms to complete and… they can make their own appointments online with the doctor of their choosing.
Furthermore, back in the states, one might have to wait for months to see a specialist, such as a dermatologist, but in Cuenca, this is not a problem. One can see a dermatologist for $35.00 which also includes a follow-up visit and you’ll see a doctor, not a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. In Ecuador, it’s quite common for a doctor to make house calls and provide you with his/her personal cell number. No worries about the training of the doctors either. Many of the doctors in Ecuador were trained in the states, Europe, Argentina and Mexico and most speak English.
Can you see why so many expats are drawn to Ecuador?
Most of the expats I’ve spoken with tell me they have become spoiled with the medical system in Ecuador and that they would be hard-pressed to return to the states.