eBAY is one of the Internet’s early platforms that anyone can set up an account on and begin selling. I’ve been selling on eBay for years and the only issue I have with this platform is handling products which can become a problem if you’re on the road a lot.
The seller has to procure goods, take photos of goods they want to sell, list the items, write a description and when a sale is made, pack that item and ship it to the buyer. It’s an easy way to make extra money or even a full time income, but as you can probably tell by now, I’m just not crazy about handling products.
I used to sell a ton of books through eBay, but that required a lot of driving around to used book stores, Goodwill, thrift shops, library sales and the like and rummaging through hundreds of books trying to determine if a book was profitable. Books are also quite heavy and can be costly to ship. I made some good money, but I spent a lot of time in book stores to make that money.
NOTE: This post is not about the ‘details’ of selling on any of these platforms, but to show you there’s a way to make money on or off the road. If you’re interested in details, please contact me.
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