Cotacachi is a town in the Imbabura province of Ecuador. It is one of the country’s leading manufacturers of leather goods. It is a prime example of progress and development. The town holds UNESCO medal for being free of illiteracy. It’s one of the most ecologically richest zones in South America. In fact it was declared the first ecological county in South America in 2000.. Thanks to a progressive Mayor the town has really thrived. When we were last down in September 2008 new decorative tile sidewalks were going in. The town square is abundant with beautiful trees and flora and sports many colonial style buildings. There are quite a few shops and many leather specialty stores.
There is a mall in Ibarra. There is a beautifully tiled market where vendors display an astounding number of fresh vegetables, fruits and meats. A world class Spa and retreat called La Mirage, a five-star establishment that is nearby in town. The weather doesn’t get any better. Temperature ranges from 9 to 25 degrees Celsius. Generally speaking it averages around 68 Fahrenheit year round with cool nights in the mountains. The Equator runs right down the center of Ecuador. Did you know you weigh about 3-5 lbs. lighter at the Equator? The food is wonderful. There are many fruit and vegetable stands around town and a super center market in nearby Ibarra. The food is not processed as it is in the United Statesand and many other countries in the world. Therefore it’s much healthier and you may find it much easier to shed pounds just from the diet. My wife and I often find we weigh from 5-8 lbs. lighter upon returning to the states from Ecuador. Good quality meat is available but it is the fresh vegetables and fruits that are truly amazing. The soil is very fertile and you’ll often see rows and rows planted right up the sides of the mountains. Medical and Dental care are readily available in Cotacachi. There is a Dentist in Ibarra that utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and procedures.
The costs are about ¼ the price of the same services in the United States. Medical care is very reasonable also with emphasis on quality of care. Many career professionals speak English. To be comfortable and independent it’s a good idea to know Spanish. If you don’t prefer classes, an excellent software choice is Rosetta Stone. It’s the software choice of Government and the Military. We use it and recommend it. There is a gym in town for fitness and I’m told by a friend that there are now two yoga instructors in town. As for transportation there are car dealers in Ibarra and Quito. Most people prefer taxi’s, which is $1 around town and about $50 round trip to Quito. They will wait on you while you shop or run errands, it’s usually an all-day service. Crime is relatively low and of the non-violent nature. Crime, like in the States tends to occur in the larger cities such as Guayaquil and Quito. My wife and I as well as friends have often walked the streets of Cotacachi at night without fear of being threatened. You can look at the Nations Master web site for overall statistics. High speed internet as well as dial-up is available. Satellite TV is also available. Cost of goods and services is very reasonable. Generally about a quarter what it cost in the States. The exceptions are items imported
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