Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt — John Muir
There is more to see and do in America than anyone could accomplish in their lifetime. With that in mind and your goal is to explore this great country, then where would you begin? Have you given thought to what is most important to you in terms of sites and locations to visit?
Some people get so caught up in intricate planning that they can’t really enjoy themselves. Still others take off on a whim. Some sort of balance then becomes necessary, such as how you will travel? In a conventional automobile with a tent? In an RV (Recreational Vehicle)? In a converted van? Your budget will most likely dictate your mode of transport and camping.
What are your interests? Is it history from the beginning of our country?
If so, perhaps a starting point might be New England and down the eastern seaboard visiting the original 13 colonies. Is it the antebellum south with all the beautiful old homes and National Parks dedicated to the American Civil War? Is it the French Creole in Louisiana? Is it our American west where numerous national parks await your visit as well as the old trails that the early pioneers blazed while seeking a better life in the untamed west?
Think old faithful in Yellowstone, Wyoming or Zion and Arches in Utah. Whatever your interest, our great nation has it.
Do you prefer a campground or boondocking**?
** Boondocking is essentially camping without hookups. You may also hear it referred to as ‘dry camping’. Often, dry camping means staying in a campground without hookups, whereas, boondocking typically means staying in a completely undeveloped area.
You can boondock in large RV’s, vans, automobiles and tents. When traveling to a destination, some people spend a night in a WalMart parking lot and call it boondocking, others spend a night in a freeway rest area, others spend a night or many nights on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) Lands.
My opinion is – whatever works. The main thing is to stick with your goal of touring and camping in this great country and enjoying all it has to offer.
NOTE: See my other posts wherein I discuss different types of camping and how they work and what is essential for your comfort.
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