For some, when they think of the northeast, visions of light houses along the rugged coast lines may appear.
Lighthouse on the Coast Line of New England
For others it may be the harvesting of maple syrup in Vermont.
The southeast has its southern charm. Live oaks with an abundance of moss hanging down is just one of many .
A canopy of mighty oaks lining a walkway in Savannah, GA
Or perhaps one sees themselves standing at the southernmost tip of Key West looking off toward Cuba.
Then there’s the mid west. Think St. Louis, the gateway to the west.
The Gateway Arch in St. Louis
Others may conjure up visions of Huck Finn floating lazily down the Mississippi River on his raft with a cane fishing pole in his hands.
It’s hard to not think of Mount Rainier when we think of the great northwest. But that’s only a small part of what the Pacific Northwest has to offer.
Mount Rainier
Also there is Yellowstone National Park, our first National Park.
The southwest offers so many wonderful places to visit. The four-corners, Sedona and the Grand Canyon in Arizona and so many beautiful parks in southern Utah.
Red Rocks in Sedona, AZ
My America is truly a land for all to see and do.
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