Bill Jones
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Tag Archives: Arizona
Desert Camping
I woke up to the extreme quiet, deep in the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona. The Sonoran Desert is a vast expanse of beautiful ruggedness. The quietness, as the saying goes can be deafening. I especially love camping in this … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged Arizona, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, live, live life, Offgrid, Portability, RV Lifestyle, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, Van dwelling, vanlife, wandering
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As someone who loves traveling in his camper van and camping around this great country, I love being alone. I enjoy solitude. It’s calm, peaceful, relaxing and therapeutic. It’s an opportunity for reflection, contemplation, and growth. Solitude is empowering. It … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged Arizona, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, make money on the road, mountains, Offgrid, Portability, RV Lifestyle, rv'ing, RVers, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, Van dwelling, van life, Van lifestyle, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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Road Trip – Georgia to Quartzsite, Arizona
Every winter catches me itching to head for the Sonoran Desert in southern Arizona. I normally head for Quartzsite, Arizona, a small town with approximately 3500 residents, located on I-10, some 15-18 miles east of the Colorado River and … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Tent Camping, Traveling, Uncategorized, Van Life
Tagged Arizona, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, make money on the road, make money online, mountains, Offgrid, Portability, RV Lifestyle, rv'ing, RVers, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, Van dwelling, van life, Van lifestyle, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering, yuma
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Solo Camping
Being a solo camper who always enjoys camping off grid, I’m occasionally asked about this lifestyle. I’m one of those guys that enjoys a certain amount of solitude. That’s not to say I’m a total loner or dislike people; on … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Tent Camping, Traveling, Uncategorized, Van Life
Tagged Arizona, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, live life, mountains, off grid, Offgrid, rv'ing, RVers, RVlife, travel, traveling, Van dwelling, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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No Plan, No Schedule, No Destination, No Worries
Not too long ago, I was on a road trip/camping trip out west and met a man and his wife while boondocking in the desert. We chatted around his campfire a bit over a cup of coffee discussing various rigs, … Continue reading
Posted in Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged Arizona, beach, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live life, make money on the road, mountains, off grid, Portability, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, van life, Van lifestyle, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering, yuma
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Boondocking Tips
Boondocking is a term that refers to camping without any amenities or hookups, usually on public land or in free parking lots. It is a popular way of traveling for RVers, van lifers, and overlanders who want to save money, … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged Arizona, beach, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, make money on the road, mountains, off grid, Portability, RV Lifestyle, rv'ing, RVers, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, Van dwelling, van life, Van lifestyle, wandering, yuma
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Dental Tourism – Los Algodones, Mexico
NOTE: A fellow snowbird whom I met a few years ago in Arizona contributed to this blog. Los Algodones is the medical tourism capital of Mexico. When I travel to Arizona during the winter months, I always visit Los Algodones … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged Arizona, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, ecommerce, Freedom, live, live life, mexico, Portability, rv'ing, traveling, vandwelling, wandering, yuma
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