Ecuador – A Hotspot for Bird Watching in South America

Bird watching is a fun-filled activity which is thoroughly loved and enjoyed by both children and adults. In order to experience varied bird species, many people consider visiting the national parks, while some prefer to take a trip to the core jungle areas. If you are among those enthusiasts who like traveling to exotic birding destinations, then take privilege to explore the prolific bird watching areas at the Amazon regions in Ecuador.

The Amazon region in Ecuador has become a hotspot for birding. Some bird watching areas in the bio diverse country are Mindo, Bellavista, Podocarpus National Park, Tandayapa, Tinalandia etc. As you trek through the dense forest areas, you will come across some huge collection of birds including Sickle-winged guan, Turquoise jay, Masked trogon, Crimson-rumped toucanet, Swallow Tailed Nightjar, Duck Buff-Breasted Mountain Tanager, Paramo Seedeater, Lyre-tailed Nightjar, Russet-crowned warbler, Hooded mountain tanager, Plush-capped finch etc. You may also come across some bird species which are considered as endemic birds in Ecuador. Other than multihued species of birds, you will have close glimpse of innumerable varieties of reptiles, amphibians, butterflies and mammals.

For experiencing the best of bird watching, make sure to carry certain equipment like binoculars, a camera, tripods etc. with the help of which you can capture the various movements of the wild species. Consider choosing cameras which have excellent zoom-in capabilities, such that you can capture scenic vistas from distant location. By collecting pictures of rare bird species, you can create photo gallery comprising of lists of birds in Ecuador and can boast of your photographic skills.

Apart from loading your luggage with photographic equipment, it is necessary to carry a guide book which has adequate information about birds, insects, animals and plants found in the Amazon region of Ecuador. Although your field guide book might contain plentiful information about the life and habitat of flora and fauna in the jungle areas, you might not feel comfortable to carry the book all throughout your journey. In order to ensure comfort and best traveling experience in the Amazon region, you can seek travel assistance from some birding tour companies in Ecuador.

There are a few tour operators in Ecuador who are known to provide the best ornithologists as a tour guide to assist travelers during their travel. They have up-to-date information about the living creatures in the Amazon region as well as provide proper timing for bird watching activity.

So, get in touch with tour service providers and discover the facts about birds in Ecuador.

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Ecuador Real Estate

You want that warm, South American vibe and you can get that if you aim for Ecuador real estate. If you want old world appeal mixed with a modern energy that still holds on to its values, then this is a great place to pack up and jet set. Having a vacation home in Ecuador is an amazing experience that you will most definitely love and appreciate. The country is bordered by Colombia and Peru and the Pacific Coast to the west. The country exudes a unique quality and as the name as its hint, it is situated at the equator. The country is filled with magnificent biodiversity, amazing history, civilizations and fantastic tourist destinations. What more can you ask for?

Climate and Geography
Being bordered by 2 countries on the North, East and South and the Pacific to the West, Ecuador has an amazing climate. It is quite diverse. It has a Rainforest climate by the lowlands and the humid subtropical one can be experienced at the highlands. At the Pacific area, you can explore with a tropical climate. By the Andean highlands, a temperate climate will welcome you. The landscapes are also very unique with highlands, coastal regions, lowlands, rainforests and plains. You will surely love that diversity all in this amazing country. If you want to have an Ecuador real Estate, you will surely love its amazing diversity.

So What Can You Find here that Really Stands Out?
First, there is the amazing capital city of Quito that was considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to preserving the most numbers of historical landmarks that are well preserved and least altered across the entire Latin America. Another classic location is in Cuenca with amazingly planned Spanish colonial city layouts.

Second, Ecuador is a massive biodiversity and it is teeming with endemic species that are being protected now. Thanks to the amazing landscape and weather of the country. It also owns one of the most popular islands in the world, Galapagos Islands. From birds to reptiles, mammals and plants, the diversity consists of thousands upon thousands of amazing animals. Some of these are very rare, some endangered and some very much diverse as ever. However, the oil explorations in the Amazon areas of the country and the pollution affect the biodiversity. The exotic ecosystem is being endangered and that is why a lot of efforts are being done to minimize the problems caused by industrialized processes.

Other Details
The economy of the country is dependent on exports and on agriculture. The country is predominantly Roman Catholic with a small Protestant population. The country also has a very Hispanic Mestizo culture but there are still traces of its indigenous cultures. There are also amazing museums here to study the civilizations of the country. Overall, if you are looking for really amazing beauty, impeccable biodiversity and massive potential, then, Ecuador is the place for you. Ecuador Real Estate can certainly be your new palace or vacation

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Top 3 Jungle Lodges in Ecuador

Ecuador, in the western part of South America welcomes bird watchers and nature lovers from various parts of the world. The touristy place is marked with a number of wildlife parks. In order to explore them, visitors must plan out a vacation trip to this part of the world with their loved ones.

Considering the accommodation of visitors, a number of jungle lodges have come about over past few years. Along with providing indifferent staying option in the dense jungle of Ecuador, the lodges also offer bird watching tour to wildlife-enthusiasts, bird-watchers and ornithologists. They have facilities to feed the birds, canopy towers etc. by making the lodges excellent for spotting variety of birds.

In order to assist visitors in selecting their staying options, tour companies in Ecuador have come up with some best-ranked jungle lodges. Take a look at the following list and book one for experiencing a wonderful tour ahead:

• Hosteria Alandaluz Lodge:  This beautifully designed lodge has private beach surrounded with bamboo forest and vegetable gardens. They offer their guest the fun of whale watching in La Plata Island, wildlife tour to Cantalapiedra and many more.

• La Selva Lodge: This lodge is an ultimate place for those who desire to enjoy birding tour in Amazon jungle. It is surrounded with tropical garden of giant trees, ferns and hence, provides space to rare bird species, butterflies and wild mammals. The lodge has 17 thatched cabanas, lounge, bar and dining room, which add to the comfort zone of holidaymakers here.

• Sacha Lodge: Located in the Amazon region, Sacha lodge offers accommodation in its 26 well-furnished cabins. Each cabin has been constructed with high thatched roofs and private shaded terraces. In addition to offering accommodation facilities, the lodge also provides bird watching trips in Ecuador.

A tour to Ecuador can be planned anytime in a year. If you are looking for customized travel plans, do contact the best tour operators in Quito. They provide accommodation ideas and tour itineraries which will suite your requirements and budget.

Happy Traveling to Ecuador!

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The Struggles and Changes in Ecuador

Having arrived in Ecuador 4 years ago at a time when the process for obtaining Residency was almost the same as today, I can appreciate the struggles people have with the system. About 3 years ago, Ecuador did away with the police report requirement. It happened within about 30 days of me getting my residency. There was no way I could fly back to the states to get a police report and so I had to get creative. Luckily, the Miami consulate was nice enough to assist and make the process much easier by receiving the police report directly from the government by email and legalizing it. They even took care of the translation. The Miami consulate, at least in those days, farmed out some types of work to a private company.

Ecuador is back to requiring the police reports again and I see messages from people on different forums dealing with the same exact issues again. The profile of the typical immigrant here is much different than 4 years ago. A lot more Colombians, Cubans and people from a lot of African and Asian countries have flooded the country. With that flood came a lot more crime, drug and people smuggling and more. I cannot say I blame the government for this latest move. Do these law-abiding, responsible people from places like Canada, Europe and the US deserve this extra burden? No. But that doesn’t change anything. Everyone is subject to the law of Ecuador regardless where they come from. Unfortunately, a huge amount of immigration fraud has been committed in the last few years. It’s only gotten worse and worse. I can remember a time a few years ago when Cuban citizenship applications were not even being processed anymore. There were stacks and stacks of files of Cuban immigrants that could not be approved.

The approval of residency cases as of late has become a very time-consuming and drawn out process. As of the middle of December 2010, the residency office (Extranjeria) has been in a “state of emergency”. As of the last few weeks, I’ve seen great improvements in the office. It’s moved to a new location and is much better organized. There is still a backlog of 3-4 months for the approval of a residency case. Before December that same case would have taken 45-60 days at most. A lot of patience is required these days.

There has been a lot of discussion lately about attorneys and consultants, the service they provide and the fees they charge. There have been a few new attorneys showing up on the radar and making a name for themselves. The number of people specializing in immigration and handling the majority of the cases has not changed much in the last 3 years. The foreigner community gladly gives referrals to the same group of attorneys and consultants year after year. People choose one attorney or consultant over another for a variety of reasons. One being those referrals from friends and other foreigners. This is perhaps the most important factor for many people. Another factor is how much the professional fees are. Fees range from around $500 to upwards of $2,000 or more to handle a residency case. $800 per person is about the average for most of the popular firms. Of course, in addition to the professional fees, you will also pay the government for your case approval. In some cases, the attorneys may bundle their fees in with the government fees.

Why is there such a wide range of fees? While debatable, the popular professionals handle everything for you from A-Z. They have English speaking staff and have to really bend over backwards to keep you as a client and bring in new clients. Foreigners often times expect nothing less than the best and fastest service possible. In fact, a firm that doesn’t provide this level of quality is not likely to be serving many foreigners for long. Perhaps one of the most important things for clients is that they can get a hold of their legal representative by phone or email and get answers in a timely manner. The attorney or consulate can be doing a great job but without that communication, the client still will not be completely happy.

Being well prepared for your new life is very important. While it can be very time consuming researching every little detail necessary to get residency and move to a new country, it has to be done. How do you know what information is up to date and accurate and which isn’t? You don’t really without checking multiple sources and asking people. Even then you are likely to get several different answers or opinions. Whatever you do, make sure you come with all the required documents such as marriage certificates, birth certificates (when needed), social security or pension letters, etc. And make sure they are properly legalized.

Don’t hesitate for a moment to jump into a new life in Ecuador. It’s a great country with lots of opportunities waiting for you. Come enjoy the culture, learn a new language and be one of the tens of thousands of foreigners living here as residents. If you come well prepared and with an open mind, you won’t be sorry you did.

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Traveling By Bus in Ecuador

Most people who go to Ecuador take the airplane route. There is a large line of unimpressive hotels and hostels next to the airport with a nice view of Quito from the roof. However, if you take the plane to Colombia and then travel south by bus, it´s much cheaper and a very pretty ride, but most of all you get to experience South American buses.

South American buses are notorious for their lack of schedule, “losing” luggage, overcrowded seating, but especially for the vendors who randomly come onto the bus at the many stops.

The Ecuadorean buses, however, are not really anything like the Colombian or Mexican counterparts. In the latter countries, you get a lot of vendors who walk onto the busses selling fruit, snacks, sometimes books; items of traveler necessity and they then disembark.

Crossing into the mountains of Ecuador however is a different experience. On Ecuadorean buses, a whole range of vendors tend to board the bus and then ride it for the duration or, at least until the next main stop, selling their products the entire time.

Travelers on these buses will be offered anything, from dried fruit, to collections of homemade movies, to blessings, to candy bars, to herbal pills.

A common sales pitch is to use pious and long, sorrowful stories of having fallen on hard times, to try and encourage passengers to untie the purse strings.

These vendors are not only tolerated by the bus drivers, but even welcomed. Vendors are allowed to ride for free, and are allowed to use the on-board TV to display their movies.

One of the most interesting products I ever saw were herbal pills that claimed to promote general health, guard against prostate cancer and boost the sex drive. This vendor sold more of his product than most.

Tips For Bus Travel In Ecuador

Keep a flexible schedule: Especially when travelling through the mountains, it is not uncommon for rock falls, breakdowns or accidents to block the roads and cause long tailbacks. If this happens, don’t get flustered, buy a drink from the next vendor and stretch your legs in the road while the blockage is fixed.

Guard your possessions: Generally speaking, bags kept in the hold will be safe from theft or tampering. However, bags left in the overhead rack or under your seat may be vulnerable to pickpockets. Keep anything of value within sight, and on your person while you sleep.

Check arrival times: Try to avoid arriving in a new town in the early hours of the morning. Taxis may be scarce and the bus terminal may be a long way from the closest hostel or source of reliable information.

Don’t be shy when booking Galapagos Island cruises. This part of the world is one of the most iconic in the world, so book your Galapagos Island tours ahead of departure to ensure a brilliant vacation.

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Eating Guinea Pig in Ecuador

Eating Typical Foods in Ecuador

“What are those?” a recent visitor studying Spanish in Ecuador asked. “They’re so cute.” Passing through a region of small farms near Quito, we’d stopped to a short break when she spotted the animals running around the front yard of a nearby farmhouse. “Oh, it’s a Cuy” the farmer’s wife responded in accented Spanish picking up one of the little brown and white furred whistlers to show the visitor. “Why do you have so many little pets?” the conversation continued. “They’re not pets Dear”, the woman continued, “We sell them to eat.”

“You mean you EAT them!” the visitor almost screamed nearly dropping the little critter still cradled in her hands. Yes, here in Ecuador people eat Cuy. It’s one of the typical foods here in the Andes.

What is Cuy?

The Cuy, also known as Guinea Pig, “Cobayo”, “Conejo de Indies” or “cavy” (Cavia Porcellus) is a small, furry rodent-family animal typically raised as a staple food in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. It is similar in size to a rabbit and is a herbivore in addition to being similar in habits and temperament to rabbits. Often commercial farms which raise Cuy also raise rabbits. Cuy as they exist today no longer appear naturally in the wild but are strictly raised by families or on farms. Other names for Cuy are “Quwi” or “Jaca” in the Quechua Indian language.

How is Cuy prepared?

In Ecuador, the preparation usually is by scraping the hair off the skin then roasting the cleaned, split animal whole on a spit or skewer. The roasted, or sometimes fried whole Cuy, is served with rice, potatoes and a salad of cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. In Colombia they are most often whole roasted and served with freshly popped popcorn with the liver, heart boiled and prepared as garnish. In Peru, a spicy sauce of peppers and achiote accompanies the whole roasted Cuy. They can also be baked or barbecued. Chica (corn beer) or Morada (a sweet, spicy, purple corn drink) are often served with cuy.

Where is it eaten?

In Indigenous communities in Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru, the cute, furry guinea pigs are frequently given in mating pairs as gifts to recently married couples who will breed and raise them in a backyard, on the flat roof of their house or in clean wire caged pens. Occasionally, a concrete-walled pen is constructed in a sheltered area of a small farm to raise Cuyes (plural of Cuy). Farms in Argentina and Bolivia, as in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru likewise raise them as a typical, staple food source. More recently, cuy are exported to the U.S. and is available in supermarkets serving Latino neighborhoods in cities like New York.

Who ate it in the past?

Cuy have been cultivated as a food staple since around 2000 B.C. Pre-Columbian Inca Royal Families traditionally prepared them as food. Cuy were also used in ritual sacrifices and their entrails were used to foretell the future. The animal is featured in the Inca culture history in the South American Andes regions. Spanish conquistadors, Dutch and English explorers brought the creatures to Europe. Europeans however, regarded them more as a kind of exotic pet. The Cuy is mentioned in writings dating from 1547. Later, they began to be used as animals for scientific or medical experimentation. This practice has now been greatly diminished during the twenty-first century with Guinea Pigs being replaced by mice, although in North American culture, Guinea Pigs or Hamsters, a related species, can still be purchased as pets.

Where do I go to try eating Cuy?

Cuy can be purchased cleaned and skinned at a number of Indigenous markets in the Andean regions of Ecuador and much of Peru. Cooked Cuy are available in many restaurants featuring typical Andean dishes, local farms and roadside stands specializing in cuyes and rabbits ranging from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to Argentina.

Can eating Cuy make me sick?

Since Cuyes are almost always raised under very clean, hygienic conditions and are herbivores they virtually never present a health problem. The animal will get sick easily if not kept under the strictest conditions of cleanliness so are quickly disposed of on commercial farms. Having a flavor similar to farmed rabbit, they are thoroughly cooked by frying or roasting whole after a strenuous preparation and cleaning including removal of all fur and viscera. In any place where cuy are regularly and frequently prepared, there is little danger of getting sick from eating cuy in Ecuador. So relax and enjoy this typical food of the Andes.

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Whale Watching in Ecuador

If you’re currently checking your options and trying to find a holiday destination known for its natural diversity, choose Ecuador. Though Ecuador is a small country in South America, it offers an astounding array of things to do in here. It’s a heaven for trekkers and mountaineers – they head straight to the Quilatoa Loop. Others can have fun indulging in other exciting activities; surfing and horseback riding are quite popular. But something that attracts holidaymakers from all over the world is whale watching.

For people interested in whale watching in South America, there is no better place to visit than Ecuador. Every year, during June to October, humpback whales pick the warm waters of Ecuador’s Pacific coastline as a breeding ground. Since young whales don’t have enough fat to keep them warm in cold waters, they need a warmer atmosphere to grow and get in a position where they can survive on their own. That’s why whales travel as many as 7,000 km from the cold waters of Antarctica and visit Ecuador for breeding.

In Ecuador, there are as many as 28 species of dolphins and whales, which means that if you plan your visit properly, you’re sure to get a chance to see whales from a distance no more than 100 yards. Here, it is crucial to mention that not only do you need to plan your visit at a right time of the year, it’s also important to be at a right place at the right time. For instance, one good idea is to be in Galapagos Islands, which are an archipelago of volcanic islands. The best time to come to Galapagos for whale watching is from July to September. Provided that you hire a right cruise ship, you will have amazing encounters with whales, especially around the Islands of Bartolome and Espanola.

You may also pay a visit to Puerto Lopez to grab an opportunity to encounter whales. Tour operators arrange several trips from Puerto Lopez. The good thing is that they also stop at Isla de la Plata. Similarly, you can find whale watching cruises in Salinas. You can go to Salinas by taking a bus from Guayaquil. It will take you an hour to get to this part of the world where you can get in touch with a right tour operating company for whale watching. Just make sure you pick an experienced tour operator, as this will help you to find a right deal along with ensuring that you have a whale of a time while watching whales in Ecuador.

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5 Great Things to Do in Ecuador

Study Spanish in Ecuador

One of the principal reasons people travel to South America, is to study Spanish in Ecuador. The language is clearly spoken, typically well-pronounced and not heavily accented. Schools are widely located and instructors are required to have university-level training and education in teaching Spanish to foreigners. While in Ecuador though, there are some inevitable experiences one shouldn’t miss. In this article, we’ll introduce you to five things to do in Ecuador.

Mitad del Mundo

At zero degrees latitude, a line called the Equator encircles the earth dividing it into a northern and southern hemisphere. In Spanish, this is referred to as “Mitad del Mundo”. Passing a mere five kilometers to the north of Quito, the capitol of Ecuador, the monument marking the position of the Equator is an experience you shouldn’t miss. On the grounds are an ethnographic museum, a scale model of Colonial Quito and an ample selection of stores, restaurants and souvenir shops. While there, step on a scale – you’ll weigh less due to the greater centrifugal force at the Equator. Learn more of the curious irregularities observable at the Equator during your visit. By the way, the name “Ecuador” is derived from the name “Equator”. Nearby you’ll find the thousand-foot deep crater of Pululahua Volcano with its mini-climate and working farms on the crater floor.

Amazon Rainforest

One of the wonders of the world, the Amazon rainforest stretches across the northern and central expanses of the South American continent. Among others, the Amazon rainforest reaches from Brazil into Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, French Guiana, Surinam, Bolivia and Guyana. The region contains 20% of the world’s fresh water and has a bio-diversity unrivaled in all the rest of the world. There are 40,000 known plant species with hundreds of these being the origin of modern-day medicines, and 2,500,000 species of insects, including voracious armies of carnivorous ants, with more of each species being discovered every year. Count in excess of thirteen hundred bird species with more than four hundred catalogued mammals, another four hundred plus reptile species like the almost ever-present crocodile, and virtually as many species of amphibians and you’ve only cracked the surface of the marvels awaiting you in any visit to the Amazon. We didn’t even mention the more than three thousand species of fish, including many of the dreaded species of Piranha.

Quito, Capitol of Ecuador

If your base for travel in the region is Quito, you have the opportunity to experience a number of day trips. To the north of Quito are Otavalo with its famed Indian market, Cotacachi – renowned for its leather craftsmen and Ibarra, the “white”, colonial city of Ecuador. Go south of Quito to visit Cotopaxi National Park, Quilotoa Volcano with its lake-filled crater, and nearby Saquisili and Pujili Indian markets where you can observe, buy and try local foods and crafts for yourself.

Also to the south are Tungurahua Volcano -Ecuador’s most active (it last erupted in December 2012) and the town of Baños at the volcano’s base, featuring its thermal baths, lie to the south of Quito.

Quito itself is a marvel of sights, sounds, smells and flavors waiting for you to experience them. From Colonial Quito – “Old town – home to the Presidential Palace, the historic Independence Plaza and a plethora of luxury hotels, restaurants serving a broad range of typical foods and more than enough stores, shops and commercial centers to satisfy the buying binges of even the most crazed shoppers. A number of schools are located in Quito where you can study Spanish for a period of from one week to six months.

The Galapagos Islands

Unique in all the world, the Galapagos Islands are a definite “must-see” for any trip to Ecuador, time and resources permitting. The dozen or so islands offer cruise visitors an exotic range of animals indigenous to this specific area of the world and nowhere else. All tours are controlled, guided and subject to strict government controls but are a unique experience you can enjoy nowhere else on earth. It is here that you can see, photograph and at times interact with such wildlife as Marine Iguanas, the Blue-foot Booby, Giant Tortoises, sea lions, fur seals and Galapagos Penguins, just to mention a few.

So whether you travel to Ecuador to study Spanish in Quito or tour the marvels of this scenic country, be sure to put these 5 things to do on your list.

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Montanita – A Beautiful Coastal Village

Today, we’re visiting Montanita.

Montanita is a magical place, a small village along the southern coast of Ecuador, great for surfing and snorkelling.

Magnificent unspoilt beaches, world-class surfing and both island and mountain natural reserves. A hidden treasure that did not even appear on the maps just a few years ago.

Montanita started as a beach with a few rustic houses of native fishermen and some surfer’s tents. Over time it’s grown to include vacation homes, small hotels and rustic restaurants, created by people seeking to escape the frantic life-style of Guayaquil, Ecuador’s largest city and main seaport.

Nowadays Montanita is a very multicultural seaside location, with tourists arriving from any where in the world to enjoy surf lessons, great food and fantastic music and nightlife.

Montanita has been known for bringing fantastic tourism and impressing tourists so much that many of these people decide to stay. These people include Ecuadorians, Argentineans, Europeans, Canadians, Americans and Australians.

The only way to reach Montanita is over land via the “Route of the Sun”, a beautiful coastal highway running along the Ecuadorian coast.

You can get a bus from Guayaquill from the bus station which takes you direct to Montanita. It will cost you around $6.00 USD maximum to catch a luxury coach.

From our observations there are plenty of great hostels you can stay at. The price per night is generally around $15.00 USD per person. This gives you a room with an en-suite and a balcony with hammock and some have a great views of the ocean.

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Retire in Ecuador – Why Would Baby Boomers Retire There?

Living in Ecuador is becoming more popular with retirees. Why is that? Ecuador is one of the cheapest places to live in a country that is safe and has a very good quality of life.

Baby boomers have not prepared well financially for retirement…a recent study by Del Webb showed that 72% of baby boomers planned to work after retirement. Reasons vary from low interest rates on savings, poor stock market performance, and high credit card debt…whatever the reason the majority of baby boomers will be working after retirement.

How about those that will do anything to really retire? They are willing to explore lifestyles and locations that were not on their retirement radars previously. They wonder if their $1500 a month Social Security check alone will enable them to live comfortably.

These baby boomers above should consider Ecuador as a retirement location.

Baby boomers who retire in Ecuador will find that $1500 a month (or less) will enable them to retire and live very well there. Ecuador is a safe country, with good reliable infrastructure, the roads are fine, internet access is reliable, health care is inexpensive… and good and the people are warm and friendly. And… the official currency is the US dollar.

Cuenca, Ecuador was recently voted the best retirement city in the world by International Living magazine. The third largest city in Ecuador at 400,000 plus has only 700 expats living there so it has not caught on yet. At 8200 feet altitude, the weather is spring-like year round. It is a colonial city designated a World Heritage site by UNESCO. With a university, it is a vibrant city with many cultural attractions.

For the baby boomer wanting the beach, Manta is coming on as an Ecuadoran retirement destination as is Salinas to the south. You can buy a condominium on the beach for less than $100,000. For big city life, Quito is very cosmopolitan and sophisticated. With low real estate prices, two homes are in the reach of many.

For baby boomers that think they do not have enough money to retire; countries like Ecuador will change their thinking. Boomers can retire in Ecuador and live well on a Social security check alone.

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