Bill Jones
Proud Veteran
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Tag Archives: camping
Boondocking Campsites – Where are They?
You’ve waited almost your entire life for this moment; you’ve looked forward to this day with great anticipation. You have finally retired! Of course, one does not have to wait for retirement to enjoy the freedom of living and traveling … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged arbitrage, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, make money online, mountains, online arbitrage, Portability, retail arbitrage, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, van life, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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Solo Female Nomads
During my travels camping across this great land in my converted van, I run across all types of people living the nomadic lifestyle. I’ve met folks living in converted vans similar to mine to living in trucks, expensive motor homes, … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged arbitrage, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, make money on the road, make money online, mountains, online arbitrage, online marketing, Portability, retail arbitrage, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, van life, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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Today’s Camper Van – Appealing to Both Young and Old
Some say the modern camper van’s roots can be traced back to the Volkswagen bus/camper of the 1960’s and the advent of the hippy movement. VW Flower Power Van Popular in the 60’s I think that’s a fair assumption, however, … Continue reading
Posted in Boondocking, Camping, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Tent Camping, Travel - The Beginning, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged arbitrage, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live life, make money on the road, mountains, online arbitrage, online marketing, Portability, retail arbitrage, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, van life, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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Living in a Van
I live a good part of the year in a converted van. I am not homeless. I am not destitute. I have not been evicted. I am not on the run. No, I am doing this because I choose to. … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged beach, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, make money on the road, make money online, mountains, online arbitrage, online marketing, Portability, retail arbitrage, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, van life, wandering
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Van Living Lifestyle
I’m sure the van living lifestyle doesn’t appeal to everyone and in fact may seem somewhat strange to most, but it is becoming quite common these days. Van Life For some it’s a matter of economics. Some look at it … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged arbitrage, blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, make money on the road, mountains, online arbitrage, Portability, retail arbitrage, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, van life, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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Life in a Van Necessities – Part IV
So, how do you keep warm in cold climates? Heating your van during the winter months can be somewhat challenging. First and foremost of course is safety. Most vans that are purchased for converting to camper vans do not come … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, make money on the road, mountains, online arbitrage, Portability, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, van life, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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Life in a Van Necessities – Part III
So, where do you go to the bathroom? For most of us van lifers, we do not have a bathroom per se, in our vans. Some of the folks I’ve met on the road while boondocking or other places do … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Fund Your Travels, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, mountains, Portability, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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Life in a Van – Necessities Part II
So, where do you shower? Most people not familiar with van life don’t understand how we maintain hygiene on the road. Granted, most vans are actually too small for a bathroom, much less a stand-alone shower. Cold weather climates do … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, Freedom, fund your travels, live, live life, make money on the road, mountains, Portability, retail arbitrage, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, van life, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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Life in a Van – Necessities Part I
When people learn that I live a good part of the year in a van, I can see in their eyes that they are getting ready to ask me the four most asked questions of a van dweller. Where do … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, live, live life, make money on the road, mountains, Portability, retail arbitrage, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, traveling, van life, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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How Long is Your Tape Measure?
Have you ever heard of “The Tape Measure Parable?” If so, you may have a pretty good idea of what I’m about to say here. I’m getting up in age and the older I get it seems the faster time … Continue reading
Posted in Blog, Boondocking, Camping, Camping off grid, Freedom, Tent Camping, Traveling, Van Life
Tagged blog, Boondocking, camping, desert, fund your travels, live, live life, mountains, Portability, rv'ing, RVlife, stealth, travel, van life, vandwelling, vanlife, wandering
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