The Votes are in: Best Places to Be an Expat

Ecuador… on top again!

EcuadorIs it all that adaptation on the Galapagos Islands that help people adjust so well to Ecuador? Probably not, but the country won top marks in a comprehensive survey that ranks the best and worst countries in the world for expatriates.

The 2014 Expat Insider, run by InterNations, based its report on responses from 14,000 expats in 160 countries. Categories included quality of life, ease of settling in, working abroad, family life, personal finance, and overall satisfaction living abroad.

Among 61 countries that received enough responses to qualify in the rankings, the U.S. was named the fifth most favorite country among expats, and scored as follows: 16th in general quality of life, fourth in ease of settling in, 20th in working abroad, 12th in family life, 31st in personal finance, and 22nd in cost of living. The top three reasons for moving to the U.S. were for study (16 percent), work (16 percent), and love (12 percent).

Guayaquil Ecuador


Guayaquil, Ecuador (Photo: Thinkstock)

Ecuador ranked high across the board in the survey, with 91 percent of respondents saying they were satisfied with their new lives there. It ranked first in personal finance, as well as for ease in making friends. While 37 percent of expats there said it was difficult to live in Ecuador without speaking Spanish, 30 percent said that learning Spanish is very easy.

Luxembourg ranked second, mainly for short-term employment reasons. Two out of three expats there listed a job as their reason for moving there. Only 28 percent said they wanted to stay in the country for the long run.

Third-place Mexico, however, is more popular as a long-term home – 44 percent of expats said they want to stay there forever. It also earns high marks for ease of settling in, and the country must be romantic for a lot of people, because 19% moved there for love.

Which countries are least popular amount expats? Kuwait brings up the rear in 61st place, with Saudi Arabia and Greece rounding out the bottom three. Economic problems in Greece played a large role, as the country scored very low in the working abroad index. Saudi Arabia took a big hit in the quality of life index, coming in last for leisure activities. Kuwait scored at the bottom for personal happiness and ease of settling in.

As for why people around the world are expatriating, this graphic breaks it down

ecuador2Courtesy:  Greg Keraghosian

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7 Reasons to Travel to Ecuador & The Galapagos Islands

1. Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands are year-round Ecuadorian destinations easily accessible by most major international gateways. Usually not more than a full days travel away from the US, Canada, Europe, Asia and many other parts of the world, getaway without getting too far away.

2. The Amazon is another great reason to visit Ecuador. Ecuador shares the same Amazon Rainforest with Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, Venezuela and Brazil. Staying in one of many indigenous lodges is a great way to enjoy this tropical region. Each of these lodges has their own known treats such as bird watching, fishing or hiking. You can even visit the Ecuadorian Amazon region by cruising in a riverboat. Professional English-Speaking guides, native to the region, escort all excursions from the riverboats or lodges.

3. Ecuador is also known for its portion of the Andes Mountain range, which stretches across the entire country. Many villages line its landscape including its three most populated cities: the capital city of Quito, the colonial city of Cuenca and port city of Guayaquil.

4. Consuming a third of Ecuador’s regions, its coastline is composed of five provinces. It is possible to visit all five provinces while planning your next vacation to Ecuador.

5. The Galapagos Islands! The Galapagos Islands are located about 600 miles off of the Pacific coastline of Ecuador. You can visit these enchanted islands by yacht, ship, air or hotel, land-based tours. The ideal amount of time to spend in the Galapagos Islands is about seven nights. If you do not have the time to spend a full week, though, we recommend a minimum of four nights since any less would not be as fulfilling.

6. Ecuador is a great family destination. Galapagos Tours and Cruises is an ideal company to assist you in planning your vacation to Ecuador. Our experienced staff has the knowledge to answer all of your questions.

7. Ecuador is also a great place for group travel. Family reunions, conferences, business meetings, congresses, incentive groups along with individual travelers have been making Ecuador their choice of travel destination for many years.

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9 Points of Etiquette for the Traveler in Ecuador

n-ECUADOR-large570First off, always start with “Buenos días” (Good morning).

People in this part of the world don’t jump right into the issue when addressing each other. When you get into a taxi, for example, don’t start with, “Take me to _____.” Start with “Good morning.” When entering a store, smile at everyone you pass and say good morning or how are you. Then say, “Do you have any ____?”

In more personal settings, handshakes and kisses when coming and going are essential. Your days of leaving a party by walking out the door saying “See you all later” are over. When leaving a party, go around to shake everyone’s hand and kiss all the women on the cheek. It’s the same thing when arriving somewhere.

That greeting is something you don’t want to bypass, because if you arrive or leave a place without saying hello and goodbye to someone, the assumption is that you’re mad at that person.

Here are eight more points of etiquette to remember when traveling in Ecuador…

Ecuador Etiquette Point #2: Don’t come to parties on time.

The first time I was invited to a party in this country, my hostess told me to “Come at 7 o’clock.” I came at 7 o’clock. The husband was running down the steps, buckling his pants, and his wife was still in the shower. So 7 o’clock meant 9 o’clock. The second time this couple invited me over, they said, “Come at 9.” “Does that mean I come at 11?” I asked. “No, we tell you the “real time,” they told me. “Everyone else knows better.’

Ecuador Etiquette Point #3: Be courteous.

You get what you give. People who smile and approach others with courtesy get the same thing in return. In my experience, people were nicer to me than to a lot of their fellow Ecuadorians because I was nice to them.

Ecuador Etiquette Point #4: Acknowledge your bad Spanish.

I’ve found that this gets you a lot of points. Unless your Spanish is legitimately fluent, begin any conversation with, “Excuse me, my Spanish is not very good, but…” First, this makes the Spanish-speaker more attentive to what you’re saying, but it does something else, too. It lets the person on the other end of the conversation know that you’re not a cocky American who’s going to barge in and belligerently demand what he wants. It signals that, instead, you’re asking for help. That really puts someone in a different state of mind.

Ecuador Etiquette Point #5: Pedestrians do not have the right of way, ever.

Lots of people get run over. One trick when crossing a street with a stop sign is to cross behind the lead car. Locals don’t ever cross in front because that car is watching the traffic. When there is an opening to go, they will go whether there is someone in front of the car or not. The pedestrians are just expected to scatter. It takes some getting used to, but you can’t expect crosswalks to be honored or for pedestrians ever to have the right of way.

Ecuador Etiquette Point #6: You’ve got to drive aggressively.

If you’re a yield-to-the-right-of-way person, you’re going to be sitting at the first intersection you come up to until doomsday. Ecuadoreans are very aggressive behind the wheel. They don’t let people in and they don’t show courtesy, neither to pedestrians nor to other drivers. If you can’t drive like them, you’re better off not driving.

Ecuador Etiquette Point #7: Forget your ideas about personal space.

We tend to treasure a little space around us and don’t touch or rub up against each other in public. A friend told me a story about taking the bus in Cuenca once. He was sitting next to a 12-year-old girl on her way home from school. As they were riding along, the girl fell asleep on my friend’s shoulder. When they got to her stop, the girl woke up and got off. That’s a kind of closeness we’re not prepared for.

Ecuador Etiquette Point #8: Don’t get in a taxi without agreeing the fare in advance.

I just read that Cuenca now has metered taxis. Guess what? Cuenca has had metered taxis for a dozen years. They became law long ago, but the taxistas refuse to use them. They get away with it because customers don’t complain. The taxista just puts a rag over the meter so you can’t see it. So you want to get an idea of what the fare should be before getting in.

About a year ago, at the Cuenca airport, I asked a driver, “How much to downtown?” He said, “Six dollars.” I said, “I don’t think so. I have friends who live here!” He said, “Two dollars.”

Ecuador Etiquette Point #9: Don’t wait to be seated and other restaurant tips.

In the United States we wait to be seated, but in Ecuador you seat yourself. Also, in our culture, a waiter is designated to certain tables, and you only ask your waiter for more water, etc. That doesn’t happen here. All the waiters are happy to help. If you need something, don’t worry about who took your order, just grab the next guy you see.

Also, you need to ask for the check. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen folks angrily waiting for their checks while, meantime, the restaurant wanted to close 20 minutes ago. All the waiters are shoulder-to-shoulder by the kitchen wishing the people would just ask for the check so they can go home. It’s a standoff that happens all the time. It would be rude for a waiter to bring the check before you ask for it. By asking for it, they know you’re done. You can say, “La cuenta, por favor.”

Restaurant bills in Ecuador typically include a 10 percent tip. If you want to leave something extra, that is fine but not expected. If I know the restaurant owner doesn’t distribute tips to the wait staff, I leave cash on the table.

Courtesy of: HuffPost

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Salinas Ecuador in the Mornings

You can sit across the street from the malecon wall, in Salinas Ecuador, any morning you choose and watch the activity as this town begins to wipe the sleep from its eyes. Besides watching all of the morning walkers and joggers you will see twenty or thirty city workers in a line, on the beach. These workers each have a small bag in their hands as they walk in a straight line picking up trash on the sandy beaches of Salinas.

On the edge of the calm waters you will see the boaters preparing their jet skis, banana boats, paddle boats, party boats and parasail boats for the activities of the day.

The guys who rent tents to visitors of the long and beautiful beaches of Salinas Ecuador are also busy burying the metal legs of the frames, of each tent, into the sandy beach before they spread the cover over the top of it to protect their tenants from the rays of today’s sun. These guys will construct nearly seventy-five tents today and take them down around 4:30 in the afternoon.

Venders begin to show up as they will walk the beaches, of Salinas Ecuador, selling almost any item you can imagine, from four foot wicker lamps to cerveza (beer) to sunglasses. These venders are different from those of the Caribbean. These venders do not drive you crazy in order to get you to buy what they are selling. You will, however, know that they are there and if you decide that you need something, they are quickly at your disposal.

Before 8:00am you will see the garbage truck stop at every trash can on the malecon in Salinas Ecuador as they ready the city for the expected activities. Clean is the word of the day as city workers are busy sweeping the streets and gutters with a hand broom and they push a trash can on wheels to their next source of trash.

Every morning is a wonderful morning, in Salinas Ecuador, as you watch the gulls and pelicans plunge into the Pacific Ocean for their own breakfast. Watching these activities makes your second cup of coffee taste as great as the first.

As the sun slowly rises, the water activity increases and you can hear the pleasure of those who came to enjoy all that the Pacific Ocean, in Salinas Ecuador, has to offer. The anticipation of the fun, the adventure and the excitement of the day fills the air as more people begin to stir.

Salinas Ecuador is an undiscovered paradise.


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Ecuador – Andes Travel

Ecuador is a wonderful country where you can find most anything you like. From the snow capped mountains to enormous beaches, bird watching, the great Amazon jungle to other such interesting sights. One of the most amazing and interesting sights is the Ecuadorian Andean attraction. Besides skiing in snow capped ranges, you can enjoy observing unbelievable sights and moments that will registered in your memory directly.

Being the best natural destination, the country has to offer so many interesting and breath-taking moments of pleasure. The Andes which is considered as the rigged backbone of this ancient country offer a chance to enjoy complete mountaineering. Just get your gears and consumes to take up the challenge of your life. Besides, you can also enjoy biking, rafting, camping and hiking challenges as well. Shoppers can get so many venues to explore new and unique articles that can be saved from years to come as a remembrance. The Ecuadorian hospitality and warmth tops the list that can compel you to come back again and again. The people are very generous and helping towards visitors and give them their due respect. You can hire local guides and agencies to help you to catch some great sights without fail. Also, they will guide you under what best circumstances you can get the best feel in this trip.

If you are on to traveling the Andes in Ecuador, make sure you have great companies of close friends. Together you can enjoy, cherish and spend some small yet detailed moments in this wonderful country that calls you again every time.

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The Struggles and Changes in Ecuador

Having arrived in Ecuador 4 years ago at a time when the process for obtaining Residency was almost the same as today, I can appreciate the struggles people have with the system. About 3 years ago, Ecuador did away with the police report requirement. It happened within about 30 days of me getting my residency. There was no way I could fly back to the states to get a police report and so I had to get creative. Luckily, the Miami consulate was nice enough to assist and make the process much easier by receiving the police report directly from the government by email and legalizing it. They even took care of the translation. The Miami consulate, at least in those days, farmed out some types of work to a private company.

Ecuador is back to requiring the police reports again and I see messages from people on different forums dealing with the same exact issues again. The profile of the typical immigrant here is much different than 4 years ago. A lot more Colombians, Cubans and people from a lot of African and Asian countries have flooded the country. With that flood came a lot more crime, drug and people smuggling and more. I cannot say I blame the government for this latest move. Do these law-abiding, responsible people from places like Canada, Europe and the US deserve this extra burden? No. But that doesn’t change anything. Everyone is subject to the law of Ecuador regardless where they come from. Unfortunately, a huge amount of immigration fraud has been committed in the last few years. It’s only gotten worse and worse. I can remember a time a few years ago when Cuban citizenship applications were not even being processed anymore. There were stacks and stacks of files of Cuban immigrants that could not be approved.

The approval of residency cases as of late has become a very time-consuming and drawn out process. As of the middle of December 2010, the residency office (Extranjeria) has been in a “state of emergency”. As of the last few weeks, I’ve seen great improvements in the office. It’s moved to a new location and is much better organized. There is still a backlog of 3-4 months for the approval of a residency case. Before December that same case would have taken 45-60 days at most. A lot of patience is required these days.

There has been a lot of discussion lately about attorneys and consultants, the service they provide and the fees they charge. There have been a few new attorneys showing up on the radar and making a name for themselves. The number of people specializing in immigration and handling the majority of the cases has not changed much in the last 3 years. The foreigner community gladly gives referrals to the same group of attorneys and consultants year after year. People choose one attorney or consultant over another for a variety of reasons. One being those referrals from friends and other foreigners. This is perhaps the most important factor for many people. Another factor is how much the professional fees are. Fees range from around $500 to upwards of $2,000 or more to handle a residency case. $800 per person is about the average for most of the popular firms. Of course, in addition to the professional fees, you will also pay the government for your case approval. In some cases, the attorneys may bundle their fees in with the government fees.

Why is there such a wide range of fees? While debatable, the popular professionals handle everything for you from A-Z. They have English speaking staff and have to really bend over backwards to keep you as a client and bring in new clients. Foreigners often times expect nothing less than the best and fastest service possible. In fact, a firm that doesn’t provide this level of quality is not likely to be serving many foreigners for long. Perhaps one of the most important things for clients is that they can get a hold of their legal representative by phone or email and get answers in a timely manner. The attorney or consulate can be doing a great job but without that communication, the client still will not be completely happy.

Being well prepared for your new life is very important. While it can be very time consuming researching every little detail necessary to get residency and move to a new country, it has to be done. How do you know what information is up to date and accurate and which isn’t? You don’t really without checking multiple sources and asking people. Even then you are likely to get several different answers or opinions. Whatever you do, make sure you come with all the required documents such as marriage certificates, birth certificates (when needed), social security or pension letters, etc. And make sure they are properly legalized.

Don’t hesitate for a moment to jump into a new life in Ecuador. It’s a great country with lots of opportunities waiting for you. Come enjoy the culture, learn a new language and be one of the tens of thousands of foreigners living here as residents. If you come well prepared and with an open mind, you won’t be sorry you did.

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Enjoy Your Vacation in Ecuador – The Land of Magical Beauty and Splendor

Ecuador is a democratic republic in South America which is also known as the Republic of Ecuador. This country is surrounded by Pacific Ocean, Peru and Colombia. This country is famous for the Galapagos, diverse cultures, Biodiversity, Amazon forest, Andes and attractive lodging facilities.

This country is divided into three distinct parts which are Oriente, Costa and Sierra. The Galapagos Islands are also a part of this fantastic country. The swift flowing rivers, natural splendor and beauty, pristine mountains and thick Amazon forest make this country a heaven on earth.

Great attractions of Ecuador

1. Galapagos – The Enchanted Islands
Galapagos are really enchanted islands which are very rich in natural beauty and fauna and flora. If you are visiting this country then taking a trip to the Galapagos Islands is very essential for you as here you can enjoy unique wildlife and natural scenery. It is one of the worlds top dream destination where you can enjoy various fun filled water activities also.

2. Amazon Rain Forest
The part of Amazon basin that is located in Ecuador is very easy to access. Various tours are also organized which will help you to explore each and every part of these forests. A two day trip is organized during which you can stay in rainforest lodges which offer all the facilities and amenities. Here you will find Yasuni National Park, Cocha Lake and Panacocha which is beautiful lagoon area.

3. Great Andes Mountains
The Andes Mountains is also known as the land of volcanoes. There are mainly nine volcanoes is this region that have displayed continuous volcanic activities. This region is like the back bone of the country which wholly covers Quito that is the capital of Ecuador.

4. The Pacific region
The pacific region of Ecuador has long and deserted beaches, large plantations, coastal lowlands and mangroves. This region mainly comes under Guayaquil which is the largest city of this country. All the commercial activities and country’s agricultural procedures take place in this city only.

Activities to be enjoyed
Ecuador is an adventurous country where you can really enjoy a large number of fun filled activities. Mountaineering, trekking, surfing, horseback riding and hiking can be enjoyed in the various regions of the country. Cuenca, Quito and Banos are beautiful cities where you can enjoy natural beauty and an exciting night life.

The glaciated Andean volcanoes, tropical cloud forest, the balmy Pacific coast, mesmerizing sunsets, chilly indigenous markets, bizarre jungle plants, dripping tropical forests, exotic orchids and birds and windswept paramo are some of the most excellent features of Ecuador that you would surely enjoy.

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Retire in Ecuador and Live in a Tropical Paradise for Under $900 a Month

You can retire in Ecuador and live a much richer lifestyle than you would back home. Here is where you can watch your retirement check go further. Enjoy beautiful tranquil beaches, lush tropical rain forests and the snow-capped mountains of the Andes. Ecuador is the quintessential essence of budget retirement in paradise.

With an average temperature of 75 degrees, Ecuador boasts the best of all worlds. And it is one of the cheapest places to retire. Here you will find all the amenities you are accustomed to such as cable, cell phones, medical care, fine restaurants, nightclubs and supermarkets. And since Ecuador uses the U.S. dollar as currency, there is no need to worry about fluctuating dollar rates.

Cost of living in Ecuador

Cable is less than $29 a month.
Electricity averages about $15 a month and propane usage is approximately $10 a month.
Weekly grocery bills for two is less than $70.
Bus service is a quarter and a taxi will run you about $3.00.
A two-bedroom apartment overlooking the Andes is less than $250 a month. The view is free. Rent in the capital of Quito is approximately $400. A little higher than that if you choose the coast.
Enjoy a gourmet meal for two with desert and alcohol for $20.00.
Seek first-rate medical care at one of the private hospitals where a specialist will run you about $30 for an extended visit.
If you are having a hard time making ends meet on your social security check, then retire in Ecuador. Where you can live in comfort and have enough money left over to enjoy sightseeing, exploring jungles and waterfalls or surfing and mountain climbing. Of course, you could always whittle away the afternoons relaxing in your hammock and watching the sun set over the Andes.

Where you spend your golden years is up to you. If you are tired of scrimping to come up with enough money to pay your electric bill, it is time to look for other options. Remember, nothing will change unless you do something different. Retiring in Ecuador can be the answer to your problems. Learn to live a different pace, where you can discover a quality of life unmatched for less than the cost of a mortgage payment.

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Come Backpack Ecuador and Discover the Natural Treasures of the Galapagos Islands

Ecuador is a small Andean country sandwiched in between Peru and Colombia. Colonized by the Spanish empire until 1821, it was subsequently part of Gran Colombia (along with Venezuela, Colombia and Panama) until it became a sovereign state in 1830. Along with Spanish, Ecuador has 13 other indigenous languages. It is a strongly indigenous country and this is reflected in its demographics. More than 70% of the population are Mestizo (mixed indigenous) and only 6% consider themselves from European descent. Ecuador is currently a middle income country that is supported by a strong tourism industry.

When you backpack Ecuador, there is a wide variety of places to visit. You can travel to towering volcanoes such as Chimborazo and Cotopaxi, to the beautiful beaches of Montanita, the vast Amazon Basin, the quaint colonial cities of Quito and Cuenca (both are UNESCO World Heritage Sites) and most importantly, you can visit the world famous Islands on any Galapagos trips. Coupled with exquisite food delicacies and intriguing cultures and customs, the South-American country of Ecuador has firmly established itself as a tourist destination.

If you decide to backpack Ecuador and most particularly the Galapagos Islands, you can choose among a wide range of Galapagos Trips. You will be able to discover this beautiful archipelago of volcanic islands through diverse fun activities, such as snorkeling among marine iguanas, sea lions, and reef fish, exploring great lava formations and active volcanoes, walking among giant tortoises in their natural habitat, kayaking and biking through beautiful landscapes. Get to know the incredibly diverse marine life endemic to the Galapagos Islands and hike one of the world’s largest active volcano in out-of-this-world landscapes!Take a boat ride to nearby islands to see native birds and get the opportunity to swim next to seals and turtles. The Galapagos trips on offer are numerous and will not deceive you!

Apart of the Galapagos Trips, you can discover many other beautiful sites like Cuenca which are really worth visiting. Cuenca is blessed with colonial architecture and sprawling plazas that rival Quito’s ‘Old Town, ‘quaint restaurants and cafes, universities, and museums all within a walkable downtown. Learn about Ecuador’s rich cultural diversity and see shrunken heads at Museo del Banco Central “Pumapungo”. Outdoor enthusiasts should be sure to visit the nearby Parque Nacional Cajas. For the real adventurers who backpack Ecuador, they can go to the Amazon jungle, or El Oriente, as it is referred to in Ecuador. It is unlike any other place in the world. You can paddle through the Amazon, spot howler monkeys, and many other fascinating local species. It is better to arrange a package with a jungle lodge, which provides air or boat transportation, food, guides, and accommodations.

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Jungle Trip In Ecuador

A 5-6 hour drive from Cuenca to Macas in the jungle is a trip to always be remembered. The scenery is spectacular, and the roads somewhat scary.

Macas, with a population of about 30,000, is the closest major jungle city from Cuenca. There are no flights from Cuenca to Macas, so the only transport is by bus or car. There are flights, however, from Quito.

There are two main routes from Cuenca to Macas. One follows the main river system from Cuenca where three dams for hydro electric power can be seen. These are in the direction of a town called Paute. It is estimated that over 60% of Ecuador’s electricity needs are filled by hydro electric power, and this is set to increase ever further. A new $2.0 Billion scheme has just been approved in an area not far from Quito. It is to be 85% financed by China. It will also be constructed by a Chinese corporation. At the moment Ecuador still imports power from Columbia and Peru during the dry seasons. The new project should reverse this trend, and electrical power will be exported from Ecuador. It is also suggested that the Paute plants will also be further upgraded.

The other route to Macas from Cuenca, which is shorter in distance, is via Gualaceo. The time taken to drive this route, however, is still about the same as the first one mentioned, due to the poor condition of the roads. The maximum speed for about 3.5 hours is about 20 mph (30 kph). This route, however, should be upgraded within the next two years and the time taken to drive the distance should be cut substantially. Both routes essentially connect the Pan American highway (#35) to highway #45.

Macas is the capital of the Morona Santiago province and has a population of about 30,000. The town was once known as “Sevilla del Ora” which, when translated, means “Golden Seville”. This historical town began its humble beginnings as a Missionary Outpost formed by the Dominican Church shortly after the Spanish conquest in 1533. This thriving centre also became a formidable Spanish trading post during its early stages of its history.

Later Macas became a founding centre of great affluence and prosperity that was created by the surrounding gold mines in this particular area. Unfortunately this came to an abrupt end due to the many violent attacks on the town in conjunction with the mines. In turn, with the mines abandoned for the safety of those inhabiting the area, Macas began to deteriorate.

Today Macas has developed into an important role in the development and commercial sector. It has increased in tourism since the 1998 treaty between Macas and Peru. There are now some fantastic and very high class hosterias around the city. Even with all these developments and advances, the area is still very well protected by the local Shuar and Achuar people. Attempts to ensure the preservation of this natural habitat has seen action taken against companies that wished to take unfair advantage of the virgin lands – such as petroleum companies. Such efforts have brought great advantages to the town and seen to the continued survival of over 400 years of its history.

The area around Macas is littered with many small farms. The vegetation is very lush from the high rainfall (a minimum of 100 inches per year or 2,500mm) and warm temperatures (average of about 72°F).

Very close to Macas is the Sangay National Park, which stretches between the Morona Santiago, Chimborazo and Tungurahua provinces. It spans an area of about 517,765 hectares (1,278,880 acres). The park contains two active volcanoes (Tungurahua and Sangay) and ecosystems range from tropical rainforests to glaciers. The Sangay volcano at 5,230 meters or about 17,000 feet, although only the 7th largest, it is Ecuador’s most active. It is about a 7-day hike from Macas and on clear days, can be seen from Macas towering over the jungle landscape with a thin whisper of smoke trailing from its picturesque, snow-capped cone. “Sangay” means “Peaceful One” in the native Shuar language – an appropriate name for the passive eruptive quality of one of the most continuously active volcanoes in the world. Residents of the city of Macas are able to enjoy this fearful sight from their city – though they are situated relatively far from it. At night the volcano emits a gentle halo of light as the lava inside the crater continues to bubble at excessive heats.

The Sangay park was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. In 1992, it was added to the list of World Heritage Sites in danger due to illegal poaching, extensive grazing, unplanned road construction and encroachment of the park’s perimeter. However, it was removed from the UNESCO list of endangered sites in 2005.

The National Park is an important refuge for rare species of the Andes, like mountain tapirs and spectacled bears. Especially for the mountain tapir, the park is one of the most important strongholds. Typical species of the alpine and subalpine areas are mountain tapirs, pumas and Andean foxes. In the forests below live spectacled bears, giant otters, jaguars, ozelots, margays, Brazilian tapirs, white-tailed deer, little red brocket deer and Northern Pudus. About 300-400 bird species inhabit the Park.

Very close to Macas and the Sangay National Park is the Upano River, the longest in Ecuador. It is called the “River of the Sacred Waterfalls” because dozens of cataracts plunge from the gorge’s walls. Macas is the most popular spot to launch rafting from. Many tour companies offer 4-6 day rafting trips, and come in contact with the fascinating culture of the Shuar Indians. The Upano River flows through the Namangosa Gorge. Flowing through a remote and mostly untouched region of Ecuador, this river truly gives rafters a multi-day wilderness rafting experience, including great hiking, exposure to the Shuar culture, spectacular wildlife viewing, and exciting rapids.

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